From the new timetable which starts on Sunday December 9th, the Monday to Friday Chiltern Railways fare range for walk-on fares will be:
Journeys from Birmingham: Up to the 0807 from Snow Hill - PEAK fares: £61 anytime day single / £95 anytime return; 0822 to 0912 departures - OFF-PEAK fares: £49 single (one day) / £50 Off-peak return (valid for a month); 0955 departure from Birmingham Moor Street onwards: SUPER OFF-PEAK fares: £27.40 single (one day) / £27.50 return (valid for a month).
Journeys from London: up to the 1545 departure and from the 1915 departure: SUPER OFF-PEAK fares: £27.40 single (one day) / £27.50 return (valid for a month); 1615 to 1845 departures: OFF-PEAK fares: £49 single (one day) / £50 Off-peak return (valid for a month).
HOWEVER, the ONLY trains on which you need to buy a PEAK RETURN Fare from Birmingham are the 0650 and the 0706 departures from Snow Hill and only then if you are intending to return between 1615 and 1845 from London Monday to Friday! If you are travelling on the 0650 or 0706 and know that you are returning outside the 1615-1845 Monday-Friday band then buy a PEAK Single and come back on a Super off-peak return (£61 + £27.50 - saving = £6.50) and get yourself a 'free' extra journey...
On ALL other peak departures from Birmingham with a return between 1615 and 1845 M-F, split your ticket at BANBURY (£13 Anytime Day Return Chiltern only + £67.30 Anytime Return - saving = £14.70 for journeys there and back in a day)
Even greater savings are possible on the 0515, 0546, 0610, and 0810 departures AS LONG AS you are returning on either the 1647, 1718 or 1747 Monday-Friday by splitting your ticket at BICESTER NORTH (£22.50 Anytime Return + £49.60 Anytime Return - saving = £22.90)
Finally, travellers on the 0915 from Moor Street should split the fare at HIGH WYCOMBE (£28.20 + £16.50 Anytime Day Return or £19.50 Anytime Return - saving = £5.30 or £2.30)
DON'T FORGET - Chiltern ticket offices cannot refuse to sell you ticket combinations such as those above.